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WALLY/ARTEMIS ineuphony October 22 2011, 23:58:21 UTC
This can only end horribly. willsassyou October 23 2011, 02:37:42 UTC
[Artemis does exactly as the note says and puts on the bracelet. Seemed easy enough. She then walks in to see that she won a marriage.




Horribly beautiful. 1/3 itsnotflashboy October 23 2011, 02:45:48 UTC
[Wally was excited to win something!

The bracelet was weird though. Really snug...

Walking into his new living space for the month, anyway.]


2/3 itsnotflashboy October 23 2011, 02:47:26 UTC

Looks at Artemis and then at the banner.

Then back to Artemis. Then back to the banner...]

Wrong apartment.

[So he'll just leave now....]


3/3 itsnotflashboy October 23 2011, 02:49:31 UTC

[Opens mouth....

....closes it.]

[This was definitely the right apartment.]

Something.... isn't right here.


1/2 willsassyou October 23 2011, 03:00:40 UTC
Wally, why are you he--

[Wait a minute... Winning a marriage. Wally barging into apparently the right apartment.

Something is definitely not right.]


2/2 willsassyou October 23 2011, 03:03:23 UTC



No. Nonononono NO. NO. This is not happening! This is not real life!


itsnotflashboy October 23 2011, 03:08:26 UTC
[Well, while Artemis freaks out and questions reality... Wally will be sitting on a couch.

Not saying anything.

Because he has absolutely no idea what to say.]


willsassyou October 23 2011, 03:24:03 UTC
[Looks back at Wally sitting on the couch.

Buries her face in her hands because seriously.]

This is really happening. I...can't believe this.



itsnotflashboy October 23 2011, 04:13:48 UTC

Light bulb!]


[Jumping off the couch... probably yelling louder than necessary.]


willsassyou October 23 2011, 04:24:16 UTC
[Wow, congratulations, Wally. You scared the crap out of her. She shrieks in response and holds her chest because her heart rate probably increased a hundred times over. How is she going to survive this month?]

YOU KNOW YOU REALLY HAVE TO YELL SO LOUDLY! I am literally, like, ten feet away from you!


itsnotflashboy October 23 2011, 05:35:49 UTC
[Wince... he really didn't mean that!]

Uh... sorry.

I just wanted to say, it can't possibly be a real marriage right? I mean... we were lead here by a piece of paper, right?

...that makes sense doesn't it?


wow there is a missing word in my last tag. WELP. willsassyou October 23 2011, 05:42:27 UTC
[She finally calms down a little.]

This better not be real. Or I'm going to find whoever did this.

...that does make sense, though. I think this is could be a really, really stupid trial or something.


we're lucky my amazing brain filled in the word for you OKOK itsnotflashboy October 23 2011, 05:59:04 UTC
A trial. Exactly.


Wait, what would you do to the person who did this?!


YES. Good job, Potato's brain. willsassyou October 23 2011, 06:20:13 UTC
Tch. Give them a piece of my mind? I dunno. Trial or not, this is so not cool.


itsnotflashboy October 23 2011, 07:35:48 UTC
Oh, okay... good. That's... good.

[Sorry he imagined her ramming an arrow through their eyeball or something.]

... completely uncool. ButIcallbedroom!

[Abusing his powers? Never.]


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