weekwizard, her students (both high school AND university), her volunteers
magus_knight and
be_my_toy, and anyone else who wanted to go.
What: Patchouli is taking the class on a field trip to New Gensokyo.
When: May 25th, mid-morning.
Where: New Gensokyo
Warnings: Magic, witches, vampires, and bullets. Many bullets.
This isn't your mama's field trip. )
Comments 205
[While everything is being prepared, students are free to do talk or do whatever. Perhaps discuss how their cards are coming, or get help on that worksheet that's kinda due tomorrow. Patchy is busy preparing the barrier at this time, but perhaps she may be bothered with a question or two.]
What is she up to?]
As usual, he kind of wants to eat it.]
Hello, Matthew.
[[NOTE: this thread will be split up into two sections, one reserved for Flandre and Marisa's match, the other open for people to comment on the match, with Patchy explaining things along the way. No posting order there. Just talk to your heart's content.]]
Ready, Flandre?
Are you?
Hell yeah!
[kicking the speed up a notch and shooting straight up after flinging a wave of stars at Flandre. Come chase her~]
[Just watch for the craters that may have been created during the match.]
[Patchy is now available to help students, as well.]
So he can gather data, of course. Always gathering data.]
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