Aug 28, 2007 14:23
Its funny how things aren't meant to be. Whether it be god trying to tell you something, karma getting back at you or the force. This trip is almost as plagued as egypt.
So Cali was rad. it was great to see all my friends again and in such close proximity.
I got tonsillitis the day before my flight, so i got a fever on the plane to tokyo. not the funnest.
Stayed with my mate, Ali for a few days, went to the hospital and got some drugs for the throat.
Started my walk to kyoto last tuesday. It was tough. it was about 35 degrees c out and really humid. I hit my first mark after 15km, and was gone. so gone that i fell asleep under a tree using my boot as a pillow, woke up not really knowing where i was: problem. i was more than just tired. found a hospital got an IV for dehydration and heat exhaustion. f***.
So what do to. flights to thailand were double what i thought they were going to be - like 800 bucks. strike three. no idea what to do, zack says i can stay at his place. so i do. been here since last thursday, accomodation here is crazy expensive, so i made the decision to cut my losses and head home while i still can.
US united says a flight home is 1700, japan united put me on a waiting list for 200. japanese customer service still wins the war.
So I'll be here in sunny nagahama till fri, when me and zack head back to tokyo, then i'll probably just go to the airport with my shibby and wait for an opening.
funny how the world tells you you aren't supposed to do certain things isn't it?
Applied for a job at grinnell college, out in grinnell, IA, where jen is - send me your good mojo.
That's all. I can't thank zack enough for giving me a place to crash and recoup, good man.
If I don't get a call on the waiting list, I'll probably just go to narita airport and hang out until there's an opening. i've got money, a sleeping pad and a sleeping bag. booya!