
Mar 05, 2008 00:54

So, random: I just saw a commercial for "Lysol deep reach" which reaches "deep" into the toilet bowl to clean and disinfect to kill all bacteria. What the fuck is the point of that? How are germs deep in the toilet going to come infect us? It's not like we're going to be eating out of the toilet and anything that is dropped into it is going to be immediately washed with soap for a good few minutes before we let it go anywhere outside of the bathroom. And the bacteria are going to go immediately back anyway after you use the toilet so how often would you have to clean? Who is going to buy it? Stupid people who care way too much about cleanliness and never actually think about how this is just another way for these companies to steal our money? *sigh*


Other news: I have a midterm in philosophy and I have NO idea what's going on in that class. And half of it is going to be multiple choice. How does that work? Lord.

I am also addicted to those cat pictures with the captions in broken english. You know, the "I can has cheezburger" things. Wasting my life, I swear.

I just got an aim from WhimsicalSalmon, I googled it and apparently it was some random person some bot connected me to. There's more info on the LJ community "the missing hat". Has this happened to any of you guys?

Edit 2:
Forgot to check the results of the Ohio/Texas primaries and very disappointed that Clinton won both. I talked to Avi today and apparently if Clinton is the democratic candidate, he won't vote for her. I'm not sure I will either. Disappointing.
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