From Twitter 03-28-2010

Mar 29, 2010 03:00

  • 22:35:12: I shall now tweet about Wrestlemania....3.5 hours late, due mostly to having to work.
  • 22:35:58: Don't you just love when the singer of a national anthem tries to make the song more about themselves rather than honoring the country?
  • 22:36:46: Looks like they managed to get about 75-80,000 people in the stadium for the event. Coolness.
  • 22:37:50: Hellacious pyro to open the show...entrance stage looks pretty bad ass.
  • 22:40:14: Match 1 - RTruth & Morrison vs. Show/Miz
  • 22:42:24: Seth Green found himself some tickets right behind the announcing crew.
  • 22:48:01: Showmiz wins...not that long or memorable of a match.
  • 22:50:54: Puff piece about all the events and media coverage during the week...
  • 22:52:41: Match 2: Orton vs. Dibiase vs. Rhodes. My money is on Ted Dibiase, Jr...I have a feeling he's about to get a big push starting tonight.
  • 22:53:38: Nice to see Orton walking faster to the ring than he usually does, otherwise it would take 30 min's for him to get there...
  • 22:58:35: Cody Rhodes wearing new ring attire - and he has the triforce symbol on his boots...GAAAAAAAY.
  • 23:04:27: Orton wins...yet again, nothing memorable. Rhodes got punted in the head, then a RKO on Dibiase.
  • 23:06:32: Money in the Bank match up now. One of my favorite matches at this show.
  • 23:09:19: @ JackSwaggerRAW comes out looking like the bastard love child of the Patriot and Kurt Angle. HAHAHAHAHAH. Nice cape dude.
  • 23:15:43: It's amazing how fast paced this match is...until someone climbs the ladder and their body weight quadruples.
  • 23:26:54: SWAGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 23:28:56: I thought Christian was going to be a lock for the briefcase, definitely didn't see Swagger getting the case.
  • 23:31:50: Hall of fame inductees - this is what i see at the bottom of my screen: 4x->->->->
  • 23:33:10: HHH vs. Sheamus next. Yet another match thrown together at the last minute for this ppv.
  • 23:38:19: HHH comes out to the ring...with pyro? That's odd.
  • 23:50:33: This has been a pretty good match - lots of countering each others moves.
  • 23:52:53: HHH wins, played possum and surprised Sheamus with a pedigree out of nowhere.

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