Mar 14, 2006 06:09
this computor is going to restart in 20 minutes anyways, so I might as well kill time before getting to work again.
I have not had a finals week like this since the quarter I took color theory, and even that doesn't even compare to the insanity of this week.
I have made more dangerous bike rides in the middle of the night, through a dangerous part of town in the last week than should ever be necessary for ANYONE. I wish Bergan would stay open for finals since thats a lot more conveinient for me to get to. I love how my computor decides to die at the time when I needed it most. Really, it could have waited a week you think, but NOOOO. For the last week I've been allowing myself about 3 hours of sleep a day to keep me from dying and thats about all I've been able to afford timewise. Yesterday I got to the lab at 5 am and did not leave until 1:30 in the afternoon. I took one 15 minute break to go to the bathroom,and chug down a coke and a bag of chips. From there I spent an hour at creative approach getting my book printed. I dropped off my pages, went to my shakespeare class, took an exam that I hadn't studied for, went to survey of illustration, took another exam I hadn't studied for. Then I went home, cut out all of my pages and glued them together, relentd and took a three hour nap, got up at 11:30 and kept working. Now my book is drying and I'm here finishing my childrens menu so I can go have it printed (the printers better love me this week, as they are getting all my money) and then I have to mount it before I go to class and turn in my book at 9. Hopefully it will be dry by then.
I ran into a girl from one of my classes yesterday and she took one look at me and said, "Wow, you look as bad as I feel."
All I want is a nap and a margarita on the beach. Is that too much to ask?