This is gonna be a long one..

Nov 30, 2004 16:54

Well, Sunday night was babysitting. It was pretty easy, when I got there he showed me his gameboy and he played with that for 15 minutes. Then we watched this dumb movie called 'The Air up There' with Kevin Bacon. It was REALLY boring, especially because he fast forwarded through a whole bunch of parts. Then we played with light sabers, read, and went to bed. Then I watched Garfield because last time I babysitted this kid we didn't get to finish it! XD Then I read and knitted until the rents got home. I got 18 dollars :D

Yesterday was school again after a 4 day weekend..D: First period was boring, we got new roots words, then got into our groups. I copied my notes into a more organized version. Then second period Home ec I worked on my shorts, third period math did boring crap, fourth period leadership we got our little brothers/sisters. I requested Mckenna because shes a cool kid but i got this one kid I don't even know :( Yeah, soo..Then fifth period US history was boring as usuall...

Then last night was boring I did nothing.

Today was fun :D I always like A Days..
Well first period english was okay. We went to the library and I turned my notes into a power point presentation. I talked to Ashley in there because she was taking a test. Then we went to second period PE and we went upsatirs and played pin pong. It was really and ashley against brittney and samantha. It was funny lol

Then third period math was pretty boring. Fourth period art was lots of fun. Me and Bella made a paper flower for Ms Sweeney. Last class we made her a poster so we've decided that every class were going to make her something to fill her wall up XD. Fifth period science was really boring. Jackie came and sat by me, we had to do inquiry papers and i didnt finifh mine :\

Well then I walked home with Maci and Nick and we started singing Jackie's song..YOU! I wanna take you to a GAY BAR! I wanna take you to a GAY BAR, GAY BAR, GAY BAR, GAY BAR!

lol it was really fun. Now im here and very bored :(
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