(no subject)

Oct 24, 2011 22:19

[FORWARD DATED to tomorrow! He writes slowly and deliberately, letters formed neater than usual.]

That’s that, then. I’m the Commander of the City Watch back in Ankh-Morpork, but most of you knew that already, and I’m hoping I’ve still got a family waiting for me. I’ve been here for nearly three years, which is three years too long as far as I’m concerned.

Watchmen, I’m not sticking around and I don’t expect any of you to either. Thank you for your service to the city. When Justice and I started this thing up, I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I never expected to gain a bunch of loyal men like you. You’ve rose above your duty damn near every time it was called for, which seems to have been about once a month, and I’m sure you’ve saved lives for it. People might choose to stay here, which means someone’s got to uphold some sort of law, but it’s not going to be me anymore. If any of you want to see Ankh Morpork, you’ll have a job waiting for you, though it’s a great big dirty mess of a city so I can’t say I recommend it.

[A long, pensive pause.]

I reckon I ought to thank the lawful citizens of Edensphere too, for letting me start this thing up and trusting us to try to help you in the first place. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a city as decent as this one before, and I probably never will again. And to all the other leaders here, it's been an honour working with you. You've done a bloody good job of making order in a place that's done its best to muck that up at every turn.

Looking out there, I can’t say for sure that it’s a way back home and not to anywhere else, but there doesn’t seem to be much else to do but step out there and hope for the best. I’ve got more to lose by staying here than taking that chance, so I’m going to do it. I’ll be sticking around for a while to say my good byes and see if anyone wants to come along, but I won't be staying here for much longer.


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