(no subject)

May 25, 2011 14:57

Does anyone know what this symbol means?

[It's drawn rather slowly, as if Vimes is somewhat reluctant to put it on another surface.]

I've seen it drawn on the walls lately, but I can't seem to remember what it means. It's dwarfish mine sign, I know that much. I know the long dark, the following dark, the opening dark... but this one's a mystery. Though I know most of you don't even know dwarfs in the same place, I figure it's worth a shot.

[There is a longer pause, this time, but he decides to ask anyway. No one should remember that's still here besides Juliet, anyway.]

Oh yeah. One more thing. Anyone know where any lilac trees grow?

the glorious revolution, may 25th, minesign, where the lilac grows, putting two and two together, sergeant at arms, summoning dark, not about the watch for once

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