(no subject)

Oct 22, 2010 22:05

[The writing is hurried and messy, obviously written while Stoneface walks as he has deemed himself too busy to waste his time sitting down and writing.]

All right, men, listen up. Sure, the hurricane's over, but your job isn't. We've got people without homes, and those people are going to be antsy and that means that you're still going to be busy as hell going around, helping rebuild and keeping the peace, all right? So get ready to tough it out for the long run, lad, 'cos this is far from over.

[There is a pause and a few smudges of inky fingertips as he shifts the journal around, waiting for the elevator.]

I'm coming back up on the elevator with what feels like a ton of wood on my back that some Scavengers had gathered from the Wilderness for rebuilding, so I'm going to need somebody to meet me there so I can help divy it out. Everybody else, stay calm and try to be accommodating. I'm sure that you lot in sections 3 and 4 can spare an extra room until others have a roof over their heads, and getting flustered isn't any reason to start fighting, so

[The writing stops abruptly for just a moment, before it continues once more.]

Oh, bloody hell, not again. The godsdamned elevator is acting up again. Sky, do me a favour and take care of Blood for however long I'm gone, Handmaiden keep all the lads in line and if you have any trouble let them know I'll have their hide for slacking and we need some bloody stairs for Gods sake

[OOC: Stoneface will be on an extended hiatus until the first, JSYK. Yay fourth floor!]

bossy bossy bossy, fourthfloor again, yay hiatus

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