
Mar 17, 2006 15:07

Farewells were bid to yummydeb as she embarked on her adventure.

I wish the wee girl well.

~ Commonwealth Games - struggling to get into it this time around. I know I will by the time the Athletics come around. But what with work and other hectic stuff, I just haven't had the time to sit and enjoy. Plus...

~ ...dinner with Mrs S's brother (the one who parks in my drive) last night. He does talk a lot. Hardly stops for breath. Unfortunately a lot of it is hot air. He's a bit of a Walter Mitty, and most of his chat is about him. I get bored and switch off. We were out for about three hours last night (having gone direct from work) and I don't think we got much a word in about ourselves. Or his sister, at all, in Lux.

~ Off to my first football match of the year tomorrow afternoon. Milton Keynes (bottom of division 1) vs Southend (top). It'll be brrrrrrrr.
Off to dinner with our Scottish friends afterwards.

~ I'm fed up (and a tad tetchy) with the vending machine outside of our office. It's been out of Diet Pepsi for God knows how long (our caterers are crap), hardly ever accepts non-correct change (our caterers are useless), and the Pepsi slot is filled with alternating Pepsi, and Pepsi Max - sometimes with a "twist of lemon" - ghastly stuff (our caterers are tossers). So I have a can of 7up, as a change from water.
I need to bring in some fruit juice next (diligent) week.
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