This made me feel better

Apr 27, 2008 01:27

A rant that made me feel better.

This has been edited to protect the feelings of a specific person that I ranted about. The rest is all unchanged.

(12:41:50 AM) Lauren Calvin: I hope you don't mean me.
(12:41:51 AM) Lauren Calvin: Haha
(12:41:56 AM) Me: no, not you
(12:43:19 AM) Me: people who blindly follow religion because its the COOL THING TO DO and then completely bitch and cry if you question them at ALL, people who ignore the fact that big business DOES control this country and we're all too fucking dumb and fat to see it, and buisness majors who think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread but don't know jack shit about anything important.
(12:43:50 AM) Lauren Calvin: Wow. That's pretty intense...
(12:44:11 AM) Me: Yeah.
(12:44:21 AM) Me: I can sum that up by saying " I hate idiots."
(12:45:16 AM) Lauren Calvin: Me too
(12:47:32 AM) Me: *sigh*
(12:47:40 AM) Me: Alright...that was point number one.
(12:47:57 AM) Lauren Calvin: Hahaha Ouch
(12:48:36 AM) Me: point two.
(12:53:24 AM) Me: "I just know." Is NOT a philosophical answer to God's existence. What the 20 year old idiot youth pastor in ALIVE! told you is nothing more than old washed out recruiting tactics that they've been using for the past few decades. The bible is NOT A HISTORY BOOK. Your ontological arguments, watchmaker arguments, and other such invalid (and lame) philosophical arguments do not stand up. Stop using them. You shouldn't be criticizing evolution if you don't even fucking know what Darwin's book is called, or how the process actually works. What Mr. Blake told you about evolution is skewed because she is a young earth creationist fool who ignores the MOUNTAINS of evidence that proves his pastor's statements otherwise. Please go read before you argue with me and try to convert me. Furthermore, don't tell me about how I should visit this youth group so I can "feel Jesuses love [sic]". Your god is a genocidal maniac who condones the most abhorrent of acts humanity has ever known. Don't quote scripture at me. I am much better at it than you are and I will make you look like a retard.
(12:54:34 AM) Me: Point three.
(12:59:46 AM) Me: This country was bought and sold a long fucking time ago. The political process is BROKEN. You CANNOT elect a president or anyone with power because every candiate is owned by some large corporation. Its a really tiny club and guess what, YOU'RE NOT IN IT. This is NOT democracy, even if it ran the way it should. this is actually a republic, or at least it was up until about 1950 or so. You are all so fucking braindead that you can't see that you've been lied to, and you're being controlled. the government CAN come and take you in the night, WITHOUT a warrant, and take you to git-mo without telling you what you've been accused of and by whom. The government DOES watch your stuff, but they really don't give a shit about you. You are a money supply for the ever increasing blank check. There is no social security. it is gone. you are wasting your money. No, "our generation" will not change anything, because we are even more clueless than the last one. There are people our age who have no fucking clue that we were in vietnam. and they don't care. All this generation cares about is getting the next cool music, or having a sweet ride, or a big house, or this or that material thing, while the government and the corporations that own it continue to pound you in the ass, asking for more and more and more. They want people smart enough to work the machines and do the research, but too stupid and blind to see that they're being RIPPED OFF. We are SCREWED. nothing short of a revolution can fix it, but nobody has the BALLS anymore to do it.
(1:01:07 AM) Me: And you, mister buisness major.
(1:01:12 AM) Me: you are my last point
(1:01:21 AM) Me: You are the prime example of everything I've talked about up until now.
(1:01:38 AM) Lauren Calvin: Hahaha
(1:05:56 AM) Me: You were that asshole in high school. The retarded sports jock who couldn't find where to put his name on the ACT. But guess what? That doesn't matter. Mommy and Daddy are busy at their offices, sucking up to the CEO's and other admins, making 100,000 dollars a year each for doing NOTHING all day. They have a BS (bull shit) degree in Buisness and Management from some public university that everyone goes to. You have everything you want. Cars, electronics, trendy clothes, all the hot babes, the big parties, all the cliche stuff. You are the COOL DUDE, man. You pick on those science geeks and those music kids because you are SO FUCKING AMAZING. You're good at SPORTS *RAWR*! You graduate from high school with 22 credits because you failed english TWICE. You still can't speak it properly. You go to University of XXXXXXXX because both of your parents went there, and all of your buddies are going there, because every other school is for "faggots". You go on a football scholarship (that your parents got you) and drive your beamer to football camp. Its there you realize that you actually SUCK at football, and you're just there, sitting on the backup for the 4th line. You decide that since your NFL days are never going to happen, that you enroll in buisness.
(1:05:58 AM) Me: and not just any buisness
(1:05:59 AM) Me: no sir
(1:06:11 AM) Me: You enroll in the honors business course.
(1:07:19 AM) Me: But after you fail the first tests because you were busy getting drunk, you realize that maybe you ARE too stupid for the honors program, and that calculus really isn't "the same old shit only with new symbols". So you drop down to regular E&M - Economics and Management.
(1:07:36 AM) Me: Now you've found your niche!
(1:09:29 AM) Me: Instead of Calc one, you get to take "essential business math", which is about as hard to pass as not getting your dick caught in your fly. You get to take "essentials of macroeconomics" which again, is about as hard as not drowning in your own saliva, which is so precariously dangling from the side of your mouth as you stare out the window in a daze, thinking about that sweet play you made in HIGH SCHOOL at the last game. Dude..that was an AWESOME catch.
(1:15:15 AM) Me: So here you are, graduating in 4 years, barely taking 3 courses per semester, completely free because your parents are making money, doing the same inane bullshit you'll be doing soon. You go out and find a job at XYZ firm or ad agency, doing the same menial paperwork and earing at least 60 thou right off the bat because you have a degree from XXXXXXXXXXX. Obviously your fancy car and great suit mean you are well qualified. You soon become escalated to upper management, not because you worked hard, no, because you kissed so much ass you now can't tell the difference between a rectum and the lips of a woman. but oh look how things come around again! Remember those stupid science nerds? yeah? Well now YOU get to boss them around and set their salaries and grant money! Isn't that great? You're so scientifically illiterate that you think the earth is 6000 years old and that everything your racist pastor says is completely true (fucking homosexuals, lets KILL UM ALLLLL), but that doesn't matter, you know exactly what these dorks need. PhD's in Chemistry, Physics, and Bilogy are making 70,000 a year, compared to your MANLY 120,000 as a...wait...what do you again? nevermind. YOU IS SMARTS, YOU KIN RUNZ A BIZNUSS REAL GOOD LIKE. FUKIN SCI QUEERS AND UR EVOLUTION N SHIT. ME AND MAH REPUBLICAN PREZDN'T IS GON' SHOW U ALL!
(1:15:29 AM) Me: Then you reproduce with your hot wife who is dumb as a fucking rock.
(1:15:36 AM) Me: And your kids grow up to be fat and lazy
(1:15:38 AM) Me: just like you
(1:15:50 AM) Me: And they play sports and pick on kids to make themselves feel better
(1:15:52 AM) Me: just like you
(1:15:59 AM) Me: and then they go off and become popular in high school
(1:16:00 AM) Me: just like you
(1:16:14 AM) Me: And they end up doing the same bullshit, getting raped by the same governments, believing the same lies
(1:16:16 AM) Me: just like you
(1:16:37 AM) Me: And the continue this perplexing level of stupidity and complete ignorance.
(1:16:39 AM) Me: Just like you
(1:16:45 AM) Me: So this is to you, menial buisness major.
(1:17:42 AM) Me: do us all a favor and eliminate your DNA from our gene pool. Let the "sci fags" change the world for the better, let them overthrow our corrupt governments. We don't need apathetic assholes slowing down our species' progress.
(1:17:52 AM) Me: Mister Business major.
(1:17:57 AM) Me: Go fuck yourself.
(1:18:37 AM) Me: The end.
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