When I seem to think that I have seen all the shitty days in my life more comes rollin down my way!
Shit really hit the fan lastnight at my house................................
Im a bad mother who likes to whore around??? Wow thats funny to bad I have only been with 4 people at least I can count them on one hand!?!?! I never watch my son? wow I
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Never let anyone tell you you're a bad mother. NO mother should have to hear that in any way. No one is perfect enough to have the right to degrade anyone's parenting. There should literally be a law against telling OTHERS how to raise their children. Seriously, that's a huge no-no.
I read an article in American Baby Magazine that said something like:
"You're a SAINT if any of the following apply to you...
1) Your husband asks you what you did all day when he comes home from work.
2) You don't choke your little sister for giving you parenting advice..."
My mom, opposed to my "husband," comes home from work and says #1... and MY little sister (who literally is little compared to most parents' siblings) sure does try to embarrass me in front of her friends and insults my mothering. Even her little friends laugh at me like they look down upon me.
I know exactly what you're going though. If anyone does it's ME. I'm adopted so the "parents" that degrade me and talk shit to me constantly, went out of their way to adopt me and talk shit to me. Your parents had you and talk shit to you... Either way that's horrible.
Always remind yourself you're a strong person, whether you have someone to tell it to you or not. Remind yourself you're better than that. One person you'll always have is yourself so you're the one who has to be in control - don't let ignorant people get the best of you.
I was taught, throughout my life, not to ever "whine and complain" about what happens in your life. Hopefully your parents aren't like that, but if they are - don't EVER let anyone tell you that. I've learned you're SUPPOSED to get things out. I've realized lately that I have so much shit bottled inside and so many images from things that happened to me all my life that I'll continue to be scarred forever. All my life I thought my parents were perfect and always right and the older I get the more I try not to laugh at them and other people in my life that I once thought were superior to me. ALWAYS listen to what YOUR heart is telling you to do.
Just remember, one thing about young mothers, we all share the fact that we are going through similar emotional difficulties of trying to do our best bringing up the child, while trying to finish growing up ourselves.
And another thing EVERYONE should respect, is the fact that we are all here on this earth trying our best to deal with the pain. There's no reason for anyone to ever be a bitch to anyone. We all need each other for moral support. We're ALL in this "fight" together so we SHOULD all get along.
You've always been a nice person to me, and ESPECIALLY since you have a lot on your plate, I respect you even more. Anyone who goes through shit but still stands strong enough to show others kindness, should get a trophy. You're a real woman in my book.
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