Unfortunately, this post will be very out of context, but basically, this guy, Macster, preaches God and Jesus in everything he posts on Almost Smart Forums. I’m sure you all know someone like him, someone who will only talk to you if it’s about God, and only if your views are the same as his. He asked in a thread, why everyone yells at him when he preaches about God.
pD2 is just a dick.
Click Here To View The Thread I only read about two pages of this thing, and thank you all because I'm exceedingly dumber for it. (Insert a lame joke by pD2 seeking some kind of validation)
BASICALLY, you're a bunch of retards. It's CLEAR that Jesus didn't really sacrifice himself for the good of everyone else. He did it for the cheese.
Seriously though, lighten the hell up. You've said, Macster, that the Christian faith is about believing it and showing people that you believe.
Firstly, it's not. It's clearly stated that Christians are to believe it themselves, the whole righteous throwing it on everyone else was a marketing ploy to make the faith a rather rich organisation. It worked unfortunately, and now so many things are based on it. Nobody even cares about the message that it sent us, everyone is so picky about the way it happened, in the eternal words of Bart Simpson,
"Don't you get it? It's all Christianity, people! The little, stupid differences are nothing next to the big stupid similarities!"
Secondly, all you have shown us here is that you are just another stupid Christian that bases your entire life, and the lives of others on something that "happened" 2,000 years ago, and you follow the book word for word, when it is obviously wrong, considering all the translations that it has gone through to reach where it is now. A perfect example is the Virgin Mary misinterpretation.
"So the biblical scholars mis-translated the Hebrew word for "young woman" into the Greek word for "virgin," which was a pretty easy mistake to make, since there is only a subtle difference in the spelling. But back then it was the "virgin" that caught people's attention. It's not every day a virgin conceives and bears a son. So you keep that for a couple of hundred years, and the next thing you know, you have the Roman Catholic Church."
I'm not saying the Catholic Church is wrong and should be disbanded, because it brings hope and joy to millions of people across the world. I'm not one of those people; Gerbil 01 doesn't seem to be either. Forcing you're way of life on someone else just leaves them bitter and hating you, so as a good Christian, you should be there to help people who want to hear about Jesus and the Holy Ghost, instead of wasting your time irritating people who don't care.
Lastly, all you're posts are just God rambling, that’s why everyone throws it back in your face. You are unwilling to listen to reason and don't seem to care about what people say unless it's your views about God. See specifically
My Theory on God and Alcohol with reference to your response. This was clearly a joke, but as it was a joke made about God, you instantly assumed the worst, and treated me as though I was an inferior, far less intelligent person than yourself. Obviously this was not very Christian of you, but hey, that’s why Jesus died isn't it?