BORED NOW [a list of random things]

Feb 25, 2014 14:14

I am bored. I want to get a backpack of essentials and disappear for about three years, just wander the world Cane-style. [pan flutes] It's that weird place where winter is coming to a close here and spring is attempting to spring and it has me fidgety and antsy and wanting to DO. CREATE. MAKE. CHANGE.

I've just spent the winter affixed to my chair writing, and now that I'm finished with that story, I need something else. WHAT DO.

I ordered myself a new computer, and...I'm going with a Mac. A fancy Mac at that. My husband has one for work, and wow, is it better than my funky little Dell I've had for almost 7 years. AND YEAH I KNOW THAT IS OLD FOR A LAPTOP. Which is why I'm getting a new one.

Have y'all seen that Amtrak is going to offer "writer's residences" on board for cross-country trips for free/low cost? YEAH I COULD GET BEHIND THAT. I'd want to dress like Rosalind Russel in My Girl Friday every day, though.

I bought an inversion table for the Mr. as his Christmas present, something he's been asking for for years and then hasn't used it but once. Holy smokes, I love it. (And you can do curls on them and really work those core muscles! *pats belly*)

I changed my dad's wireless network name to "FBI SURVEILLANCE VAN" yesterday because the man needs to learn to change up his passwords. And not have them be FIVE LETTERS, OH MY GOD, DAD, THAT HAS BEEN YOUR PASSWORD SINCE MY CHILDHOOD. Apparently he has some "illegal music software" on his ancient computer, it's like, 16-bit midi shit, and he was convinced that the NSA found out. My son called to tell me all of this, and was crying from laughter. I'm a terrible person, I know. But that shit's funny, I'm sorry.

BORED BORED BORED I AM SO TIRED OF BEING A HOUSEWIFE AHHHHHHHHH [don't take this to mean I want a job, lol. I want to be freeeeee]

navel gazing, random statements

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