Walking Dead recap/discussion post is right here.
Buffy 1.07 "Angel" recap is right here.
3. Sleepy Hollow? Oh, we got your
Sleepy Hollow recaps.
4. And I barely need to link to the
SPN recaps, because they are CRAZY POPULAR (way to go, Vinnie!)
5. The old BFF is coming in for a visit this weekend and I am going to jam bird seed into her hands, since she doesn't eat normal food. (I am teasing you Vegans. Sort of. OMG I don't want to hear it, okay?)
6. I bought some cool fingernail polish at Sephora this weekend that is METALLIC PEACOCK and I NEVER paint my nails, but my daughter made me paint my thumb and I liked it and here we are.
7. Oh! I won a prize at Nordstroms, apparently, and it was CHANEL AND LANCOME MAKEUP/PERFUME/ETC. Like, full sizes and everything! Which is awesome because I never win stuff and I never buy myself makeup unless it's an emergency makeup situation. (ahaha - spell check is telling me Lancome should be COME-CON. WORST. CONVENTION. EVER.)
8. I also bought a fabulous pair of heels this weekend that are peacock colors (teal blue and teal green) and they make me feel awesome and tall.
9. These are all important things because it appears that I am FINALLY GOING ON A VACATION, and that is to LA in December to attend Trevor Live with
flaming_muse and we are in the GOOD SEATS. Like, rubbing elbows with the elite seats. Mama wants to look good. (So excited, omg.)
10. On my run this morning I encountered two rascals, a German Shepherd and a Pit Bull who had broken free to chase ducks in the pond. They were dripping wet, grinning from ear to ear, and let me check their collars like nice puppies. I got them home and they gave me many hand licks and knee-rubs as thanks.
...I mentioned they were dripping wet, right? LOL. So stinky (but so sweet!).