In honor of a beloved friend and long-time LJer

Apr 28, 2013 12:09

Many of you probably know ruthless1 for her sense of humor, unending support in times of need, and her support of her friends' fannish endeavors.

Many of you may not know that for the past year she has quietly been dying of stomach cancer. She is now at her end, surrounded by friends and hospice care-givers who are making sure that she leaves this earth in as much comfort as possible. When she realized her chemo/radiation wasn't working, she said "fuck it" and decided to do the things in life that she's always wanted to do. She went on a whale watching trip, she traveled to see friends one last time, she sat on a warm beach and enjoyed the simple pleasures of the earth, she surrounded herself with love and support.

She's been a lovely friend to me over the years, and this past year, while both of our lives were falling apart for different reasons, she still would go out of her way to send me a funny story, pictures of her baby goats (I dare you to be unhappy in the face of a herd of mini-goats), or just words of love.

I wish I could have traveled to Colorado before this...end. Mostly I'm grateful to have had the friendship that we do, and I'm happy to see how many people are showering her with love and stories in these last hours. If you would like to contribute to the wall of love being delivered to her, please go here and do so. She's having messages read to her, and I can only imagine how much it means to her to have so many people pour out love to her. (There is also a way to donate to that organization and help other people connect to support.)

While I'm incredibly sad to know she's leaving, I'm so grateful to be counted as one of friends. Ruth, you are loved.

navel gazing, friends

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