Looking for fic recs - only the cream of the crop [dirty pun lolz]

Nov 20, 2012 11:11

Okay, I am about to start making a VERY long drive weekly to visit my son (5 hours each way) and want to load up my Kindle. And...I want Teen Wolf fics. YES. IT HAPPENED. I watched all of it on Netflix, found it to be a lot of fun, and love a few characters enough to want to read about them. So, um, am I the only person that ships Chris Argent/Derek Hale? I am, aren't I? Sigh. Also want: Sterek. Stiles/Lydia. Peter Hale and ANYONE GOOD LORD.

Only GREAT FICS, pls. Spot on characterization that is them. I don't care if it becomes an AU, but they have to still be themselves. I haaaaate fics that just make them look like the character but not ACT like the character. I know a bunch of you read it, so whatchu love?

Also: um... I totally ship the very made up, not real at all, but oh my god the puppy eyes and energy and pretty skin and jaw-lines of Dylan O'Brian and Chris Colfer. ...this doesn't exist, does it? I feel deep shame just asking for it, so you know. I VERY RARELY read RPS because it makes me feel icky. I don't mind other people digging on it, it's just not usually for me, not anymore. Except for now? I AM BROKEN, OKAY.

In the meantime, I'm dealing the the courts, hospitals, treatment centers, a MiL that has forgotten that I NEVER DO THANKSGIVING WITH HER and why is she asking if I want her to COOK FOR ME?! The answer is always NO., my parents wanting updates on our situation and having to constantly hang up to take other calls, and all of my own prep for our miini-Thanksgiving with my kids and sister/her husband. SO I'M KINDA TEARING MY HAIR OUT. But the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter? =/


help?, teen wolf, recs

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