I will not talk politics at all. Promise. (hey, a picture isn't talking!)

Nov 06, 2012 11:46

So I have picked up a few new people, hello! I want to warn you that I am actually a loveable idiot, but an idiot. I cuss a LOT. I can often be found typing in ALLCAPS in excitement. I do not allow people to be ugly, negative to others, or negative to me here. We chat a lot in comments, which is awesome, but I think people forget that it's not a community, but my actualfax journal. I mean, we are a community, but you know what I mean. Right?

If you have friended this journal in error, no worries! I don't mind people adding/removing me. It's YOUR reading time. And since I am a super busy person in RL, I have to keep my reading list small to keep me sane. I have some OCD about this place and have to read everyone's posts if you're on my list. I don't believe in filters. I mean, I believe they exist, I'm not a crazy person, I just don't want to use them. Mostly I follow people I actually know in RL. But that doesn't mean you can't/shouldn't comment if the spirit moves you! Or don't! Lurk! Defriend! Keep yourself happy, however that works for you.

My sticky post for my journal will tell you more about me here, if you are still curious. (Ha.)

Normally I'm hilarious. Or try to be. Or fail spectacularly. But I'm a positive person, generally, and often make fun of myself. I tag everything, I try not to spam, and I'm a good egg for the most part.

And I write recaps about great shows LIKE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS, omg it is back. *sobs with joy* Hey, we all need a little diversions in our lives, right? That's one of mine.

I am ASTOUNDINGLY overwhelmed with the response from my post yesterday, to the point where I had to lay down with a cool towel over my eyes from crying with gratitude. I promise that I will try and reply to everyone, because it's incredibly nice for you to be supportive like that. It's going to take me a while, but I will make the best effort at that.


navel gazing, obama is my president

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