I am now 72% Guacamole

Jul 11, 2011 15:01

Because that's what I've been eating almost all weekend. Mmmm, avocados. Fresh tomatoes, garlic from the garden... And I made some baked taquitos that are so good, oh man. We were celebrating the Mr's promotion this weekend by being lazy slugs and eating. <-- THE AMERICAN DREAM.

crazydiamondsue had some problems last night (nothing to worry about, just time consuming, etc.) that is going to keep her from putting up her True Blood recap until this evening. But trust me when I say you're going to want to read it, if only for her take on the ridiculous Hot Shot happenings. Not to mention Vienna Sausage appe-teasers.

BUT! Fear not, those of you with the Mondays. elizardbits is back with Spartacus! Read the Blood & Sand recap here.

And the Real Housewives of New Jersey recap is now online, here you are. (Oh my god, the sparkle suit on that gorilla.) Kim G returns. She is SO AWFUL. I love watching her awfulness, I won't lie.

Tonight is Hoarders, and I've already begun my home cleanse in preparation.

For those that might want to try my baked taquitos, the recipe is under the cut.

3 cooked seasoned chicken breasts (big ones) and shredded
1 small container of Mascarpone cheese (or half a package of Nuefchatel/Cream cheese)
1 1/2 C shredded cheese, like Monterrey Jack
1/3 C salsa verde
(seasonings for the chicken: cumin, garlic, chili powder, salt and pepper. Then you don't have to season the cheese. BRILLIANT.)

1 pkg. corn tortillas
cooking spray

Heat over to 425F. Spray a jelly pan (or 9x13 dish) with spray. Mix the cheeses and salsa together, add in the shredded seasoned chicken. Get a hot towel on your work station, and wet a paper towel. Working three at a time, wrap the wet towel around the three tortillas, microwave for 20 seconds, transfer to the hot towel to keep them pliable. (Get a helper, it's much faster.) Put the tortilla in your hand, scoop a bunch of the chicken mix onto it, roll up the tortilla like a tube. (You need to mash and flatten the chicken into a line.) Roll it up tight, put on the baking sheet seam side down.

Do this until you run out of stuff. I got about... 24? I can't remember how many tortillas were in my package,the kids ate one or two. I had just over 20 finished ones. Spritz the top of the rolled tortillas with cooking spray, pop in the oven for about 18 minutes. Watch for the filling to bubble and the tortillas to crisp up and brown on the edges.

NOM with sour cream, guac, and or salsa.

We made a second batch and cheated: instead of the cheese/salsa combo, we had some spicy southwestern ranch dip (Marzetti's) and mixed that with a little shredded cheese and the chicken. Way more fattening, but super tasty. Um, and a lot faster to prep, too.


I still have some leftovers, so instead of teaching the kids how to cook tonight, we're going to make cookies. Tomorrow we're making Indian food, because I want some palak paneer (paneer is fun to make) and some naan and dal. YUM.

It is a million degrees out, so I'm waiting for it to be a reasonable hour for me to have a margarita and float in the pool with it. I say 4 is a good time. Right? Hmm. (Hahaha, I sound like a lush.)

Speaking of being a lush, those of you that have been following my Glee recaps have gotten some pretty boss cocktail recipes. I made the Friday cocktail (The Dirty Hippie) a few times this weekend. Tie dyed cocktails that taste good? OK. I changed up the way you can search on the main page - the shows/movies/books are clearly listed at the top with hyperlinks. Hopefully that looks far less cluttered.

recap: real housewives of new jersey, recaps, hey don't judge me, recipes

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