- ignore laundry
- ignore mopping
- ignore exercise
- ignore cat scratching to be let out for umpteenth time
- eat breakfast
- Joel McHale
- have lunch with my sister (yay)
- work on story for story slam
- ignore bathroom scrubbing
- call around for estimates for housekeeper, because see previous items on To Do
- Viggo
- spread remaining mulch
- maybe work the Mr. in around other men on list
- Go back for seconds with Mr. McHale
Tonight's theme is "Memorable Dates," which I'm taking as dating dates, not 1492 dates. Which means it the Greatest/Worst Date of All Time*, the date that brought a date to the date. Video tomorrow. (*This one is prominently featured in my memoir, btw. It's... oh man, it's so perfectly descriptive of life in Utah, I just can't even begin.)
Almost the weekend, WHEEEE!