Will Ferrell is still the best

Mar 03, 2010 09:22

In case you wondered if that was in question. Presidential Reunion - and him, as Dubya, saying "The password is still 1, 2, 3, 4 and it took me 5 times to remember that." LOL. And from the outtakes, "I just sent Blackwater to Kenya to find your birth certificate. So you're welcome." Hahahahaha. I <3 you, Will Ferrell.

I'm recording a commercial this morning, finishing up my veggie garden, then packing for a weekend trip, so I'll be out of pocket until next week. Play nice! And if you don't, link me to the naughty. :)

For those still buried in snow, I have blossoms popping out on my peach tree and the crocuses are about to bloom, too. Spring is almost here!

awwwwwspam!, will ferrell, obama is my president

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