I love modern medicine. Thank goodness I have access to it.

Nov 11, 2009 10:57

Finally feeling less like death warmed over and more like I bet I can get something done today before I collapse in a sweaty, coughing mess. Yay?

Before I give my to do list the stink eye, I feel the need to link you to the Progressive Campaign Site. I'm a big fan of health care for everyone. I'm in a high tax bracket, too, but I have no ( Read more... )

random statements, tales of stupid people, obama is my president

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tabaqui November 11 2009, 17:12:22 UTC
Glad you're feeling better!

And, you know....those Vegas stories make me want to run far, far away. Or attack with cleansing fire.

I put that petition/link on my FB and signed, of course. I'm glad that people are fighting it, it just makes me want to slap someone. Hard.


stoney321 November 11 2009, 17:17:37 UTC
Thank you!

And if I didn't love collecting crazy people stories so much, I probably wouldn't love Vegas like I do. (It really is fun, though.)

I'm glad that so many women in Congress are popping up and saying, "NO. Unacceptable." Hopefully more will.


tabaqui November 11 2009, 17:26:40 UTC
Yes! Especially after so many of them were *shouted down* when they tried to speak. Did you read about that? So freaking lame.


And, this little bit of political messing about by the Mormons in Utah is oddly making me...uneasy. I don't know why.


stoney321 November 11 2009, 17:30:00 UTC
SLC is where the non-Mormons live. ;) Also, you'll note that it's not FOR gay marriage, just not denying gays where they can live. Mormons love to say how they love gays, they just can't support the sin. Be gay, but don't do anything about it, you see. *eye roll*


tabaqui November 11 2009, 17:47:34 UTC
Oh, yeah, i saw that they're still foaming and ranting about marriage, but i wondered why this sudden touchy-feely 'oh, we luff the gays! They're people too!' sentiment suddenly came from


*yeah, that 'you can be gay and a mormon so long as you're celibate' bit is just delightful*


pickledprose November 11 2009, 18:09:44 UTC
I'm sorry I'm always comment jacking around here, but your ICON! Lol, I don't know why but I imagine strapping these people down and making them look at it and so I snorted when I lol'd


tabaqui November 11 2009, 18:14:35 UTC
Yis, that would be fun. I have this one, too....


pickledprose November 11 2009, 18:15:35 UTC

*is dying* XD


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