Things of Goodness

Jun 24, 2008 09:23

  • Pulling my head out of my nethers, admitting mistakes, and reconnecting with an old friend
  • getting back to a 10 minute mile (walking)
  • cutting back from 7 miles a day to 5 because its hot and feeling okay with that
  • Fruit Loops
  • going to the DMA and the Nasher Sculpture Center with the kids and knowing they are going to love a day of museums \o/
  • putting on last year's bathing suit bottoms and them literally falling off to puddle at my ankles on the floor
  • being in my own bathroom with the door shut when that happened
  • having only three more pounds left to lose in order to reach my 30 pound goal
  • finally getting my 3-Day page up and my partner online!

Speaking of, I'm doing the 3-Day this year. If I don't raise 2200 dollars by November, I've pledged to pay that out of my pocket. Help a sister out! Every dollar raised goes directly to supporting women with breast cancer and their families. There's no 25% put aside to run the event. The participants pay for the event and materials so EVERY DOLLAR WE RAISE goes directly to the people who need it. Pretty cool, huh? You can read about my last experience with the 3-Day here.

Yep. A good day is in store. <3

random statements, walk-a-thon

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