What is this, the second Friday night in a row where I'm stuck doing nothing at home? wOOt. My brother gets to go out and I'm stuck at home babysitting my other little brother while my parents go out. What does that mean? I order chinese and watch movie after movie. So I ate my Chinese and then watched School of Rock with Brady. I watched the first 4 chapters of The Grudge and stopped because after the first "sighting" in the closet, I was scared shitless. How sad, knowing that I saw that movie in the theater when it first came out and now I can't handle it. I need someone here with me to watch it. Ughh...
Anyway, this update has pictures for you all. Sorry they're really shitty but the resizing thing was being a douchebag.
Wednesday night, Candace came over and we did our projects for Bio...hopefully we'll win and get good grades because we need them!
^^We found out that it is impossible to hotglue chocolate together because it melts. We also learned that acrylic wont come out of carpets.
^^Thumbs up for a good project!
^^Check out my virus bitch.
**Today** I brought in my camera because I am that awesome and we took random pictures during free mods.
^^Why does Ryan look like Blair when he puts fries on his face like that? Haha
^^Uhm, haha
^^I love how Jorf's mom puts these items in her lunchbox. Because you know everyone loves to eat pills and peach flavored applesauce for lunch!
^^Look at Matt's mouth on the left side of the picture...hahaha ready for something, Matt?
**Last class of the week** HISTORY. Blahh...
^^During History, boys named Ryan Leeb like to draw things like this and label it SATANISM. Why? I guess we'll never know because our name isn't Ryan Leeb. We don't think the Industrial Revolution or French Wars are THAT important...
^^But we still get 90's on our tests. Thumbs up!
That's all. I need to go call someone because I'm still scared some dead asian girl is behind me and is going to kill me. AWESOME.