So it's been the best dang year of my life.
Meeting Sarah, switching to Fine Arts, having the best most miserably enriching experiences of my life, better understanding my interests and desires, the list is eternal.
So much has been revealed to me this past month, it's out of control. I think whatever world I was solidifying in my mind, got completely demolished this last month with the surfacing of many unexpected truths. It seems like things have never been this honest and vulnerable, or even realized. It's pretty amazing, even in it's horrible moments, it is pretty amazing.
As for the current though:
Went to NYC last week with my friend Ryan. We went to the Guggenheim and saw this artist: Cia Guo-Qiang Also went to PS1 (of MOMA) and saw Olafur Eliasson's work And to the Whitney 2008 Biennial
Met some awesome people at the Society of Illustrator's show in NY, which has led to another trail of unexpected happenings.
Spent my birthday wandering around the creepily vacant streets of the Wall Street area at 3 in the morning, haha. Which was actually really cool. It was super surreal and really strange, sitting outside the grand entrances of some majorly corporate buildings, with their weird corporate-paid art works. Really fucking weird.
The whole trip was amazing and surreal. I don't want to ruin it through detailed explanation, but it was a great closure to this outstandingly bizarre, rewardingly torturous year. As well as a beautifully simple introduction to the rest of this vastness called life.