As I was waiting for the download of some video clips The Bear sent me, I killed the time by taking a survey at about religious preference, as suggested in the LJ of
tir_tinuviel. I was rather surprised by the results, which indicated a 100% match for Reform Judaism. Although my spiritual beliefs have evolved with time, circumstance, and study, as is true with many people, I have identified as a deist (or theist, eschewing religious ceremony) for some time now. However, while I doubt there's a person living or dead that literally is in 100% agreement with any sect's doctrine, I had to admit that I was in significant agreement with at least's summary. Also, while I'm not gullible enough to accept a web survey as an authoritative source of spiritual direction (for example, I also matched Liberal Quakers at 97%), this may require further study.
Though I'll spare you the cutesy Star of David graphic, you can take the "selector" yourself at