Title: In Theory (Part 3)
Rating: NC-17 (Or maybe PG-13. I dunno)
Pairing: Jon/Ryan
Summary: Jon's doing the best he can to get Ryan back on his feet.
Disclaimer: This story was created in the depths of my mind. I don't own the characters and as far as I know, this didn't happen. And if you happen to be mentioned, CLOSE THIS PAGE! We don't need another Empires incident.
Author's Note: I'm finished with Part 3 AND 4. :D I'm posting 4 right after this. This one isn't as long as I expected, but a lot happens. I'm just happy I got it finished. I need to work on some Jon/Tom, and figure out what I'm gonna do for Valentine's day.
But There's Always That One Person...
Part 1-
HerePart 2-