Title: Positive
xojemmaxoRating: NC-17
Pairing: RyWalk
POV: Third
Summary: Ryan thinks 'can't I have any time for my fucking self,' and looks over the back of the couch to tell Jon off, but his mouth freezes open when he realizes that not only has Jon just walked into the apartment, but he's brought Spencer, who is in New York, with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people in this fic.
hooray4ironyAuthor Notes: This chapter's on the short side, but I updated quickly, at least :D The next one should be up soon (like, actually soon). And Spencer's here! And there'll be Brencer soon! (Also, a lot of people seem to have lost interest, which may have something to do with my less-than-prompt latest update. I hope, though, if you were reading this before the Long Wait, you'll keep reading, because things are gonna start getting good!)
The Telling of the Bad News (Chapter 1) The Ultrasound and the Jelly Bean (Chapter 2) The Coffee Shop and the Accusation (Chapter 3) Morning Sickness and Evil Books (Chapter 4) Irresistible Coconut Sorbet and a Possible Rat Problem (Chapter 5) The Note and a Reservation (Chapter 6) An Engagement Ring and 'Don't Move.' (Chapter 7) Piss The Fuck Off, Gabe, and Enter The Smith (Chapter 8)