Mar 01, 2005 23:07
So today, a maroon day. Those are always my harder, more thought provoking days. Too bad I only got under 2 hrs. of sleep last night because I am an insomniac, so I stayed up talking to Cameron, who was up because he was still stuck on Idaho time. I only went to sleep because my mom woke up and if she had known that I was still up at that hour of the night, my ass would have been grass. Anyways, woke up and went to school (next time it snows I am driving, Adrienne). In Calculus we had the most fake lecture ever. U substitution is so stupid. I still haven't forgiven Yearby for giving me a 72 on the last test because I didn't use a single C. I mean come on. I got all the answers right, but I didn't put + C, so I miss 20% of my test score because of it. That is just plain fucking stupid. So I went up to Yearby and told him that his whole lesson was fake today, and it is sad that some person got so much recognition for coming up with something so lame. Then in AP Chem, I honestly try to pay attention. I honestly try to learn. I take notes on EVERYTHING she says, and I still get B's. And the book is a boring read. But oh well. I am seriously hoping Chemistry in college will be better. I really like it, I just can't motivate myself in her class. Then French. Ha! French. What a joke of a class. Mr. Debro came in and I think was evaluating Mrs. Knable. I hate that class so much, and it is sad because I love the French language. Then it was on to orchestra, where we ran through the pieces we are playing with the BSO. Then after school, I got a ride downtown form Cameron. We get to the music building for his lesson, only to find out that he left his music at school. So we have to go all the way back to school to get it. Then back. Then I walked across campus and through downtown. My coat kept me really warm. So warm that I was actually sweating in it. I get downtown to find that my mom's car is missing from her parking lot. So I got to Bazaar and use Matt's phone, and find out that she went to a different branch to help out today. But she came back so it was all cool. Hung out there and talked to Sebastian and Matt. Then it was home to peel some potatoes and eat a quick dinner before I go to my BSO rehearsal. And I find out that Ms. G split the orchestra in half so that of out two pieces we are playing with the BSO, half are playing one and half are playing the other. And of course I am in the group that is playing the harder piece. DAMN IT!!! Such is life. We got a couple of movies on the way home. I got "Y Tu Mama Tambien" and I hid it from the parents. I tried to watch Flight of the Phoenix with my sister and her boyfriend, Derek, but I was too bored. So, I came up here. Wow, I can do so much when I don't work.
P.S. I am considering locking my lj and making it friends only. I think my dad has been reading it...