[1]Name: emily.
[2]Nickname(s): em, emz, dekay.
[3]Age& birthday: twenty, september 20th.
[4]Where you from: tucson, arizona.
[5]Any piercing's or tatt's? Where at?: i haaaave.. my nose, nipples, and belly button pierced. five tattoos (back of neck, lower back, right shoulder blade, ankle, left wrist)
[6]Single or taken?: engaged. :D
[7]Do you smoke ciggarettes? What kind?: mofuggin' newports.
[8]Movies: tokyo shock, horror and zombie movies. Shaun of the dead, (original & remake) Dawn of the dead, Day of the dead, Night of the living dead, Evil Dead, Donnie Darko, Ichi, Ichi the Killer, Versus, Samurai fiction, my list goes on.
[9]Music artists: ICP, twiztid, HOK, ABK, blaze, esham, natas, zug izland, necro, SOAD, slipknot, jack off jill, otep, my ruin, scarling.
[10]Books: Go Ask Alice. I also like books on psychology and serial killers.
[11]Type of weed: CHRONIC. My favorite is White Rhino.
[12]Way to smoke: From a glass piece. If we're smoking regs, we use a blunt or a joint.
[13]Place to smoke: Walking around at night time, or in our apartment.
[14]Color: Red, pink, and black.
[15]Munchies: oreo cookies and milk. omg.
[16]Legalization of Marijuana: Needs to be done. I honestly think they should legalize all drugs, because then if it's sold in stores or where ever, it can be regulated and plus the money used for buying drugs can go towards making better rehab centers.
[17]President George W. Bush: OMFG. I don't like him as a person, I don't like how he's been running this country.
[18]Abortion: It's your own business. I'm for it, honestly. I just don't like it when girls use it as a form of birthcontrol and think that's okay ( four abortions later.. )
[19]Gay marriage: All for it. Love doesn't have a sexual preference.
[20]Self mutilation: .. Eh. I used to do it then I stopped, if you're cutting then just know there are people out there who're willing to help and be there for you when you're going thru hard times. =\
[21]Smoking Ciggarettes: addicted.
[22]What was your first time being high like? Where were you?: I just turned 14, and I was staying at a friends house out in the desert. I smoked so much weed, I didn't know what was going on. I just know I really liked the feeling of being high.
[23]How much do you usually smoke?: We smoke 4-5 bowls a day, and possibly a joint too if it's our day off.
[24]Are you high right now?: NO. Grr. We have stuff to do today, but I can know tonight we will be.
[25]If not, when was the last time you were?: Last night.
[26]How long have you been smoking?: off and on for 6 years.
[27]How many& what drugs HAVE you really taken?: dundundun. ecstacy (a lot), ketamine (a lot), acid (3 times), shrooms (once.), coke (a lot), meth (a lot, but i've been sober off of it for a year now).
[28]If you could smoke with anyone, who would it be with and why?: Lol, i'd smoke with Joe, joey, paul and Jamie from psychopathic. No, I still haven't gotten to. I want to smoke with them because smoking out with people is like a sign of respect, plus they seem like they'd be funny as fuck all stoned.
[29]Pictures of you(don't get carried away):
[30]Picture(s) of your smoking devices:
our only one right now. all mine broke, or nick lost his.
[31]Promote us in your personal LiveJournal & give the link:
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=goregasm[32]Promote us in one other community & give the link