Apr 18, 2005 19:52
The one thing thats piss's me off more then anything is how dumb people can be. Fuck you only live once enjoy your life as it comes. if your young and tied down break free don't be a fucking idiot and stay there like a caged rat. Go out and enjoy your life when it matters to enjoy it, NOW!!!. don't sit around working your ass to get yourself a supposed great future because when it all comes down to it and your old and you haven't truely lived you'll realize how stupid it was to throw away your youth. This is it, right now is the peek years of living stop fucking around and take some time to enjoy it. Don't be a slave don't be stuck. If your not having fun go out and start having it at least one or two nights out of the week. Don't be a fucking loser prik, pick up the phone and call somone to go out even if your doing nothing with a few good friends you can still have fun. Come on you stupid fucks haven't you heard all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
Ever have or see those grandparents who are right old and depressed wishing they were dead because they through away their youth. you don't want that to be you. I don't want it to be me.
So this is it to all you fucking losers out there. GET THE FUCK UP AND GIVE SOMONE A CALL LIKE ME AND LETS START ENJOYING WHAT MATTERS MOST....LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry should clearify this is not directed at anyone person it's directed at every stupid fuck whos throwing away their youth.
Chris graves is not one of those people although fuck him anywaylolj/k lol.