Jan 18, 2008 09:34
So...here I am yet again. Crazy eh? Lots to say I suppose. So lets start with the biggest part of my life: Dayne and Norma. I guess that's best part of Becca leaving. Most of you have had the opportunity of meeting them which is GREAT. They make me super dooper happy. Could be two of the greatest friends I have found in a long time (not to dawg on my already amazing friends :)). When I'm not spending time with them I'm usually at work and now school. I'm retaking logic and world geography...yet this time-the stakes have raised. I have a class with good ole Amber...wow. And on my way to logic I see Ashley Reid...and when I walk Day Day to class--LOOK! There's Tiffany. I hate the new building on campus. Nothing but a hallway of past memories. Work is mag-NIF. Not. Liz keeps threatening to leave which puts me in the shift leader position instantly. -Pleh- I'm talking to Cozza again which I'm very excited about...she has always made me laugh with her awesome sense of humor. And if I don't laugh (which is 100% rare) she'll laugh at herself. Haha. Anyways...Becca is being weird and kinda freaking me out. But that's another post lol.
Laura is one more year older and lookin' good ;) (Freaky...lol) Lots o love to her.
Becky is always doing great. Rough times in the heartland but still strong.
Kara is trucking a long with work and the motherly life.
Sarah Boo...haven't heard from you (look at me being a poet).
Day Day is beautiful.
Normy is terrific.
To all my friends-
I love you.