Aug 02, 2003 13:55
I got a puppy last week. My cousin's dog had a litter, and she let me take one. It's a boy. He's 3/4s lab, and 1/4 wolf. He's all black with a little white on his "chest". I named him... Raider! I can't keep him in my apartment though (no pets allowed and he craps all over the place). So he's stayin' at my folks house. He's soo cute and fun. I can't wait til he's full grown and knows commands and all that. I hope he's one of those loyal dogs who likes me more than everyone else :)
anywho, I hafta go to the post office. They sent me a ticket for my accident and I had 15 days to reply... this is day 15 haha. I'm gonna contest it tho. What's the worst that could happen? if I lose, I still hafta pay the same amount. and if I win, no more ticket! I'm gonna win!