*cough* That's a lot of dust on here...

May 19, 2007 17:52

I changed the theme of the journal for the second time ever a while ago, intending to post, but never did. Most of my real life friends who used Livejournal seem to have stopped, and I'm not sure if I was a symptom or part of the cause. Anyway, regardless I still feel like saying a few words for whatever reason so I will.

I've been rereading my old posts to this journal, thinking about what has changed and what hasn't. It seems that in a lot of ways what I was thinking then I still think today. I still feel a lot of uncertainty and there are still a few parts of my life that I wish I could cut myself away from. However, there are a few instances where I can't help but laugh at how dramatic I made some things out to be, when from today's perspective they seem so petty. I guess that's just how hindsight is, though. We can never really see the effects things will have until we're well removed from them.

I'm wondering if I should change my icon, haha. It's just a wee bit outdated now, since it's from September 2005. That's a bit of a mindfuck in itself actually, thinking that it's been that long since I started university. Jeez.

Recently I've been trying to make some positive changes. For one, I've barely bought anything in the way of clothes since maybe mid 2005, which is a bit ridiculous. I didn't own a single pair of shorts, and had made it through lower Ontario summer after summer wearing pants. Well, I figured that might as well stop this year. I have had a longstanding predisposition against shorts for whatever reason, but maybe I just got used to them after wearing them for the gym all of last semester - a borrowed pair of shorts from my housemate, I should add.

So, I went clothes shopping last Tuesday after classes and bought a couple pairs of shorts and 4 new shirts. That was all I could manage in one go. I have never been a fan of shopping :P The other little update to my wardrobe is an attempt to move towards better-fitting shirts, since I used to wear them pretty huge. Not quite rapper-dress-huge, but much larger than I needed. Anyway, I picked out shirts that were a bit brighter and summer-y, and also that were quite frame-fitting. I've always been lucky enough to be reasonably skinny with little effort on my part, and starting to go to the gym regularly last semester put a little bit of bulk on, so I figured I shouldn't be afraid to show it off a bit I guess, haha. It's been kind of a nice confidence boost, actually. I look skinnier without all the bagginess for sure. The reaction from my housemates when they first saw me decked out in my new clothes was positive, and I especially value Heather's input, since her fashion sense leaves everyone else's in the house in the dust.

Adding in the fact that I also ditched the longer hair that I'd been cultivating for nearly a year to return to a shorter style, and I feel pretty good nowadays. I think I'm going to have to do round two of my so-called wardrobe resuscitation tomorrow. I'm going to end up replacing most of my old clothes, so there's going to need to be more new stuff to be had.

If I could, I would wrap this up with some kind of point, but I don't have one. I didn't set out to write this with one in mind, and one didn't develop as I wrote, so I'm stuck. Oh well. I'm going to get ready and then head out to The Grill for a burger I think. I also need to go grocery shopping tomorrow, haha. I want to start updating this thing again. We'll see how that goes.

day to day

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