I can put a nice checkmark beside both things on yesterday's to-do list. Restringing the guitar was a lot easier the second time around - the first time took me the better part of 2 hours. I got two different brands of strings this time and last time, and I wasn't very happy with the last ones I had on my guitar - I was actually sort of hoping one would snap :P The ones that I just put on sound a lot better though IMO, so I think they'll be worth the extra cash.
Okay, I mostly want to test to see if LiveJournal will just go ahead and display this copy-and-pasted Japanese text alright. I've also included for kicks my translation of it, which should be accurate but even if they're a bit off, it won't hurt me since I just have to recite the original text :P (Note: spaces were added by me to help with memorizing and making sense of it, they didn't really exist in the original). Jeez, getting that first line down was the hardest part. Very wordy.
アンナさんと りゅうがくせいの さとしさんは きのうの よる 6じごろ ちかくの レストランへ いきました。
ANNA-san to ryuugakusei no Satoshi-san wa kinou no yoku roku-ji goro chikaku no RESUTORAN e ikimashita.
Anna and Satoshi the exchange student went to a nearby restaurant at about 6 o'clock yesterday night.
そこで、 ともだちの マイクさんに ありました。
Sokode, tomodachi no MAIKU-san ni arimashita.
Their friend Mike was there.
さんにんは いっしょに ゆうしょくを たべました。
San-nin wa isshoni yuushoku o tabemashita.
The three people ate dinner together.
マイクさんは チキン てりやきと やさい サラダを たべました。
ANNA-san wa CHIKIN teriyaki to yasai SARADA o tabemashita.
Anna ate chicken teriyaki and a vegetable salad.
さとしさんとマイクさんは サーモン てりやきを たべました。
Satoshi-san to MAIKU-san wa SAAMON teriyaki o tabemashita.
Satoshi and Mike ate salmon teriyaki.
さとしさんは チキン・スープを のみました。
Satoshi-san wa CHIKIN SUUPU o nomimashita.
Satoshi drank chicken soup.
マイクさんは ビールお のみました。
MAIKU-san wa biiru o nomimashita.
Mike drank beer.
さいごに みんなで まっちゃ アイス・クリームを たべました。
Saigo ni minna de maccha AISU KURIIMU o tabemashita.
At the end everyone ate green tea ice cream.
まっちゃ アイス・クリームは おいしい です。
Maccha AISU KURIIMU wa oishii desu.
Green tea ice cream is delicious.