(no subject)

Dec 24, 2005 13:24

.Christmassy House Fic.

Title: Jingle Bells of Jealousy
Fandom: House M.D.
Pairing: House/Cameron
Rating: PG-13 (Language)
Summary: Christmas party time presents a few firsts for House.
A/N: Sorry it took so long, and I didn't include ALL the suggestions, but most of them. Had to include Wilson's mickey ears though didn't I :P (c) to lilhouse though. Enjoy!

Christmas. Great, the time of the year devoted to being happy. Even worse, Christmas parties; everyone drinking way too much egg nog and trying to kiss anyone and everyone, or at least that was how he remembers it. House had made avoiding Cuddy’s Christmas events into a sport, and he never lost. This year is to be no different. He knows exactly who would want to kiss him, though she’d no doubt pretend to be too drunk for it to have meant anything. Great.

Okay, so she’s a great woman. There’s no denying that Allison Cameron is one of the more beautiful people he works along-side, (much to the annoyance of Chase who obviously always thought he would win any beauty-pageant they held) but she’s not girlfriend material. Too… whiney and clingy. Then there’s always that other little thing; she isn’t Stacy.

“Dr. House?” Shit.

He turns, popping a vicodin at the same time, “Ahh Dr. Cuddy, how great to see you this fine Christmas Eve,”

She’s used to this, could’ve seen it coming before she’d even left her office. For a moment she wonders what excuse he’ll come up with for avoiding the party this year, determined to force him to come.

“Save it. I take it you will be attending tonight’s Christmas function?”

House puts on his ‘Bambi-watching-his-mom-get-killed-look’, “What ‘function’?”

“You know what function,” Long ago she learnt not to get annoyed, “It’s going to be held up here, so you can’t use the ‘I couldn’t find the place’ excuse. I’d come if I was you… unless you want me to add on extra clinic hours,”

“Ahh, Cuddy you already used that threat, remember?”

She smiles sweetly, “Yes, and I’ll use it again. Have a nice day Dr. House,”

“You too Dr. Cuddy,” And he limps off toward the conference room.


She’s already sorted out her date for the Christmas party, looking forward to the look on House’s face. Sam Seaborn. Relatively new to the area, he had moved into her apartment block and it hadn’t taken him long to come a-knocking. Maybe asking him to her Christmas function at work was a little mean, especially as she’d soon have to crush his heart again. She’s using him, to get at House… but of course she isn’t going to admit that to herself.

They meet at his door, share a quick kiss (which she feels guilty about, as usual) and get into her car. She’s driving; he doesn’t even know where she works (she’s never told him, scared of him showing up there). They sit in silence, neither finding much to talk about. Cameron wonders when she became such a bitch, where the idea of using one guy against another had come from. It wasn’t fair; it wasn’t something she should be doing. She wasn’t even sure if she’d be able to do it without feeling so bad that she blurts the truth.

“You’re quiet,”

He is cute, she thinks, “Yeah, sorry. Long day at work,”

“And now we’re going back again?” Smiling, he admires how great she looks in the new red dress she’s purchased especially for tonight, “Are you crazy?!”

He really is cute, especially when he smiles, “It’s not that bad… it should be fun,”

Smiling mildly, Allison pulls into the car lot, suddenly wishing she’d come alone. Sam gets out, immediately appearing at her side. They kiss again, this time she can’t help it, she has to pull away from him. He gives her a confused look but soon forgets about it as he feels her hand slip into his. Hand in hand, they enter the hospital, go into the elevator and walk straight into...

"Dr. House... hi,"


His heart misses a beat. She didn’t come alone. Then he wonders why exactly he cares. It’s not like he wanted her to want him, he was just… surprised? House ignored the odd feeling in his stomach and pressed the button, standing in silence as the elevator started up to the next floor.

The dress she’s wearing, it’s amazing. Or maybe that’s just her? The long, dark red material clings in just the right places and flows at the bottom almost like the top of a volcano. He has to stop using similes; he knows that’s what turns you into a lovesick fool. His eyes move away from their entwined hands, a sick feeling in his stomach as he tries to black out the other man.

The elevator chimes.


“You came?”

House nods, “Why are you so surprised? Or is that excitement?”

“No, it’s shock,” She’s really not in the mood for his games, been too busy, “Well, I’m glad you came anyway,”

“Cuddy, don’t go all soppy on me,”

A smile comes across her lips, the second one that day, some kind of record, “Would I?”

“Wear an even more revealing outfit than usual? I thought not… thought it was impossible but apparently not…”

Sighing, somewhat happy, she walks off to do whatever it is people do at these things. House just stands there, watching. Why exactly did he bother showing up anyway? It’s not as if he didn’t have 101 other things he would rather spend his Christmas Eve doing. Spotting Cameron and her date sat at a table, he remembers why and reaches for his vicodin. Her. It was always her, wasn’t it?


He turns to see his best friend looking even goofier than usual, Mickey Mouse ears with tinsel draped across them on his head, “Mickey?”

“What are you doing here?!” Wilson too has learnt to ignore him.

“You may have forgotten, but I work here,” He watches Wilson sit down in a seat next to him, where he’ll no doubt be sat all night, “Anyway, why are you here, you’re Jewish. Newsflash Mouse Boy: Jews don’t celebrate Christmas,”



She only meant for House to get jealous, but has seen Chase looking at her all evening. They’d already done the whole Christmas thing… exchanged gifts (Chase gave her a jar of jam from Australia, which she guessed he’d been sent but didn’t want. Foreman had presented her with a huge, green stuffed hippo with purple eyes. It scared her so she’d given it away to the children’s ward) and everything but they still assumed she’d sit with them at the party. Cameron’s tired of people assuming.

“You want to dance?” Sam’s voice interrupts her thoughts.

“Maybe later,”


“You know what would make this party somewhat interesting?”

House looks up from his cane, “Jesus doing the moonwalk?”

“Yes, that would…” Chuckling, Wilson drinks down the rest of his glass of egg nog, “But I was thinking something a little more realistic… Like maybe you getting off your ass and asking Cameron for a dance?”

“You may not have noticed, but I’m not interested. And I can’t dance… AND she’s not on her own,”

He shrugs, “Fine, whatever,”

They sit for another few minutes, watch the nurses do the conga and Cuddy slip over on a squished mince pie, both of which amuse them but not enough. House is just about ready to leave, when he feels a presence to the side of him. Turning, he’s met by two blue-green eyes.


House frowns, “Hey… where’s Mr. White House gone?”

“We decided it was better if he left,” Cameron sits down.



The party ends. Everyone’s either going home, or getting back to work. Nobody notices the two people in House’s office, tangled up in a kiss. Nobody notices him turn out the light, or her lead him to the clinic. Nobody notices the door shut and when morning comes, nobody notices her come out 5 minutes before him, her hair messier than usual, and her dress crumpled.

You’d think someone would notice the smile on House’s face though…

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