Mar 30, 2004 18:49
yo yo yo folks. this is the case of the hidden buffizle and it goes like this.
oh and it starts with a poem...
i am a buffalo the prairies i roam
i am a buffalo i got me no home
i am a buffalo i play on a horn
i am a buffalo i snack on fresh corn
i am a buffalo i look as i smell
i am a buffalo i want to yell
there was a cat and say he so sweet
o buffalo buffalo please smell my feet
i say nay to the cat with all of my might
and after the raucous we have us a fight
o we did fight all long and hard
we even fought outside of the buffalo yard
we sang songs of six and had us a pie
but when push came to shove the cat had to die
and die as he did my sorrow do have
but about the cats slaying i do not feel bad
after the killing which was forbidden
for the rest of my days i would remain hidden
in the bush or the fields you'll never find me
so why the fuck dont you just let me be?