Jun 17, 2005 02:01
Ahh summer is finally here, which i just said in my last post...
So i finally finished my summer project...ya it was actually really fast, and damn is it cool.
The first week of summer is almost coming to a close, first week of summerschool about to start...I am not looking forward to it. I'm taking this Pre-AP Chem course so I can skip Honors Chemistry and go straight into AP Chemistry. Is anybody else taking this class?...so I'm not going to be stuck with Shawdi and Srijay for 5 hours every single fucking day of the week...
And well...I got bored and Foo Fighters are fucking awesome, so I just changed the background image.
I'm beginning to stray away from LiveJournal and beginning to like MySpace more.
...So ya
I've also noticed I've had more trouble sleeping at night nowadays...I don't know why. The other night, I was up all night. Then last night, I couldn't go to bed so I was just playing my guitar until like, 2AM. and then now, 2AM...again.
Nothing new has really happened. Just listening to more music and appreciating the good old classic stuff like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, some Elton John, and of course, the Rolling Stones. Also downloaded the new Foo Fighters album and some of their older songs. It's really cool and all, but there is a lot of like, emo sort of songs. But oh well, Foo Fighters fucking rock. I've also started listening to Nine Inch Nails. They're pretty good.
The movie last Friday, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, was an okay movie...I'm glad we're still friends.
I'm out,
...And I leave you with this:
"The child is grown
The dream is gone
And I have become
Comfortably numb"