Somewhere With You

Nov 09, 2011 13:51

Title: Somewhere with you

Rating: PG-13 for now

Summary: A year apart can change many things, make people loose themselves completely. For Ville he is all but gone until his hard headed loving friend Abby decides to help kick the Finn in the right direction, only problem is the direction he's headed to is his ex Bam. While both men still love each other for the world. The past is just to hard to see passed... Or is it?

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own Ville or Bam, nor is any of this true. However as long as I write this can be as true as anyone wants to believe, here you are darlings <3

Chapter one: Where'd You Go

The bed was warm and looking beside him, ville knew why. His whole being tensed at the sight of the young blonde sleeping right beside him. Eyes closed softly, most likely in a very peaceful sleep. Shaking the drunken sleepish haze away Ville slowly wiggled free from her. One thing he despised the morning after was not recalling anything from the night before. Even the woman's name was a mister, although he had a good feeling it was either Heather or Samantha.

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed his eyes landed on the piled up jeans on the far end of the room. Guilt swept through him, knowing what must have happens with the young girl in his bed. Walking across the room he grabbed his pants and headed out of the bedroom. His cigarette were found on the table 3 left and one put out right beside the ash tray. He sighed heavily as he took the time to put on his pants before he grabbed the pack.

Opening the balcony door slowly he took one out and placed it to his lips. He cursed silently when he found that he had forgotten a lighter, about to turn around a sudden flash of light lit before him. He dipped the tip of the cig in the flame before looking at the last person he wanted to see at this time. His eyes raised when he noticed the girl dressed with her shoes on.

"I heard you wake, I wanted to say good bye before I left." The blonde seamed to blush with a shy smile. A look that made Ville realize exactly why she had been the choice of the night.

"Why don't you stay for breakfast darling? We can talk both sober." His smile was real and a small hope inside made him want her to stay.

"I normally don't eat breakfast how about just a cup of coffee?"

Ville nodded "even better."


Another fight. Another angry 3 am walk to the park, One more reason for Bam to feel like he was going insane. It was Kevin again... No it was always Kevin. They guy knew how to get under someone's skin, but for Bam it was worse. Not only was he Bam's boyfriend but they lived together too. Space was certainly an issue.

"Ha! Space, he needs space?! What about me?!" Bam yelled in the night. Aggravated at himself and also there being no one around to answer him. He kicked into the night air.

Feeling a sudden weakness in his legs, Bam fell down to the ground he felt tears start to stream out of his eyes.

"God damn it." Bam spoke through out his sobs, "This is all your fault Ville!" he screamed into the darkness. Pulling his legs to his chest he tried to catch his breath but only more tears came.

Looking up at the stars the same lonliness that had came upon the skater a year ago came streaming over him.

How did the Finn get so much controll over him?


Ville found himself actually enjoying Heather's company. They had talked about everything that the two of them could think of. Laughing at eachother jokes and smiling at one another from across the table.

"Okay my turn, What is the one thing you regret most?" Heather asked raising her eyebrow.

"Other then hooking up with a ex stripper?" Ville smirked as Heather gave a fake hurt expression, and they both laughed.

"Okay wise guy, now seriously, what do you regret?" Heather looked at him with almost stone eyes and Ville started to squirm.

"Honestly Darling, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me." she relaxed back in the chair her eyes loosing the stone and breaking through to their normal soft hazel.

"Okay," Ville sighed. "It all started about a year ago... I was engaged to this person. We had everything, they loved me so much and I loved them as well. It's just we had some trouble, we'll I had trouble... I was never the most "faithful" person. I just got so tired of him always taking me back when I knew I was killing him inside." Ville covered his mouth as he realized he had slipped about the person actually being a male.

Heather just nodded, "You miss Bam alot don't you?"

It was now Ville's turn to nodd, "Let me guess... I said his name again didn't I?"

"In your sleep, yeah." Heather looked at her watch, "Hey come with me, I might have something to make you feel better."

Ville just tilted his head in confusion and went with the young blonde, grabbing his jacket on the way out.
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