I haven't checked all the figures, so I won't vouch for them. The video does describe what I think are the systemic problems with the California budget process. It's interesting the video doesn't mention prop 13. Folks may not know that my income comes from benefits. SSI, Medi-Cal, Medicare and IHSS. All these programs are being cut. IHSS especially so. Attendants were getting $12.50 an hour and are being cut to $8.00 an hour. What's particularly stupid about cutting this program is that those who can't find attendants for $8 dollars an hour may have to go into nursing homes which will cost the state a lot more than $8 dollars an hour. The truth is that Schwarzenegger is counting on family members to take over that job. I'm fortunate to have people I can count on in emergencies, but lots of my friends with disabilities don't.
What's going on