Nov 26, 2004 01:32
Man i had to spend the day with people im not the most fond of. OMG i didnt want to see some of them. Fuckin relatives that i dont like >< However i did go see my grandpa. He has been in really bad shape and only getting worse really. Today he was alert and around and it was good to see him like that. My grandpa is like the pimp of the retirement home lol. THey call him elvis cause he sings with this one little band that plays at the home sometimes and all the ladies want him to dance with them. Im like WATCH OUT NOW! lol. That was the high point of my day.
I then proceeded back to the van and to my uncles house. In general i like my moms brothers, its their kids im not so fond of. too many long stories. they just dont rub me the right way. >< None of my brothers came so it was just me i was not happy about that either. They didnt eat dinner till like 5pm. I was so fuckin hungry and not wanting to be there, and since im not the type of person to be fake i just stayed silent cause im not about to be all happy go lucky. I talked to the people i like and didnt acknowledge anyone else.
When i got home i hung out here for a bit then played some Call Of Duty online. Took Nichole a couple cds i burned her talked to marc while i was there. went to meijers and bought some food cause i have 12 hour shifts this weekend. However i would be mad if i wasnt making MAD $$$ ill make like 540 bucks in three days work. WOOT WOOT FUCKING WOOT.
That hoobastank concert was sweet. I always enjoy them. I saw Three Days Grace with them, OMG those guys rock so fucking hard live. I mean i loved their cd before now it gives me a chubby. I mean..... oshit. lol But seriously that was a good time. I caught another drumstick lol. I have such a collection now. I have 2 drumsticks from Lost Prophets that i caught at two of the concerts i saw them at. Same for Hoobastank 2 drumsticks from them. I caught a drum top from Breaking Benjamin. I have a guitar pick from Stu of Lost Prophets that i caught and a guitar pick from Story of the year too. I also caught a Story of the year shirt that i gave to nichole cause she was nice enough to wait out in the cold weather for that concert with me so i could be front row. Then i also caught a set list from LPS that was being handed out to the crowd. I got me a nice little collection over there lol. Im taking december off from concerts but ill be at Something Corporate January 23rd. Might end up going alone but it wouldnt be the first time lol.
I also saw With Out A Paddle this weekend at the cheap theater it was really good. I rather enjoyed the comedy. I need to save my loot up cause next week Spiderman 2 hits dvd and so does Hero. Then in december EVerybody Loves Raymond Season 2 comes out and so does the exteneded version of REturn of the king. So i need my $$$. Hopefully i can move out of this house for a little while. I really want to be out. It will help me stay busy cause i need to stop thinking about being alone. That shit really eats away at me righ now. I finally realized Kiley and me were wrong even if she hadnt cheated on me when i listened to Adema - Unstable. I read the meaning behind the song and i was like for sure brother for sure... So now im just lonely and not missing any girl imparticular. i got this new down comforter i bought with a chocolat colored microseude cover for it. Man that thing is so warm. Im like see i dont need a girl to be with at night i got me this down comforter. Yeah thats it.... lol. Ive said it before and it rings true yet again. Its gotta be the holidays. Hopefully anyways. If not i have one thing to so to anything with boobs and a vagina. KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.
well i hope all is well for my friends in RL and here at the LJ. Take care all. See you guys next week. Im off for 36 hours of work in another city. ><
Boys speak in rhythem and girls just lie.