something i never thought i would see.

Oct 15, 2004 14:34

go there to see a counterstrike in video form against michael moore and all that jazz. I will say this much, i dont think michael moore is a fool, i just have different views then him. But i never thought i would see the day a video came out to counter him cause everyone is always ooo i love michael moore he is awesome. Hmmm, could be interesting but some of that could be very hard to watch. i didnt mean to turn this post into a political thing but i was thinking about the war the other night when i was playing games and i began to think about if it was right or wrong or what. So i said well whats the war on the war is on terror correct? So i look at it from both sides, could we have waited longer before jumping in to Iraq im sure of it. However was it wrong to remove saddam? Nope. He was a terrorist on his own people. In this day and age with out help from others you will never overthrow a dictator. You country men are being slan just for saying they dont like him or their cousins friend said he didnt like them so you get waxed along with him. Fear that strong will prevent anyone for standing up in large numbers. The location in which they were, the middle east, is breeding ground for terrorists. You cant negoitate with these people. Anyone who things they are going to die and go to heaven by blowing them selves up doesnt care if you give them a million dollars and a new car. They are going to kill you plain and simple. So killing them is the only way to counter that. Which is why i support Bush. Cause i think he is doing a good job of killing the people that want to simply blow me up because im not them. Osama is one bad guy, catching him only means you take down one mastermind, im sure there is one ready to take his place. Yes it would be great, but im more concerned about taking out every fucker that they have thinking that way. This war isnt just on Iraq, that was just the begining and to be honest i dont think its a war that will end for a long time, because once we finish there, there is only more work to be done. Makes me wonder if the end of the world is coming. With so many WMDs in the hands of mad men. I dont understand why anyone would want them. SO they can destroy everything? All for the sake of their soul in heaven with Ala? Or because they want to dominate another country and wont have it any other way? It truely saddens my soul to think that this world is so harsh. It could be the driving reason i want to find love and beauty in this world, because death and violence rules the news and world. God be with everyone it seems. We will all need it.

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