Aug 30, 2008 18:28
I'm now into the third trimester. Seven weeks to go. Less than two months. We start taking birthing classes in two weeks.
What's new with Jasmine....
Not much new to tell. She's pretty much all there, just growing.
She doesn't kick so much anymore, mostly because she's running out of room. She does seem to spend alot of time rearranging furniture, however... or at least that's what it feels like she's doing. She's also started getting the hiccoughs on an almost daily basis. A couple days ago she got the hiccoughs three times in one day, including at 2:30 in the morning.
Jasmine is probably now up to about 5 pounds and 15 inches long. She will be gaining 1/3 to 1/2 her birth weight in just the next 7 weeks. I've gained about 18 pounds so far and apparenly that's good. Most of it is fluid that will go away soon after birth.
What's going on with me physically...
I had my first experience with swollen ankles after my flight down to California. I didn't think it was a big deal other than it made my feet a little more tired but my aunt insisted that I keep my feet elevated. I wasn't going to argue. :) I *did* wind up having to buy some new shoes for the wedding though because the ones I brought with me were too tight.
Lately I've been waking up more frequently again and having more trouble falling back asleep. Usually it's just because I need turn over or pee (seems I'm visiting the bathroom hourly these days). But more and more I've been waking up hungry sometime between 2 and 5am. This morning I woke up wanting milk and cereal at 5:30 in the morning. Unfortunately I hadn't done any grocery shopping since our return from California so I had to wait until the grocery stores around here opened at 7am before I could get any.
Unfortunately after these early morning snacks I *really* have trouble going back to sleep. Apparently this kind of insomnia occurs in about 75% of women in their third trimester. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because so far I'm part of the 10% of women that don't get stretch marks during pregnancy. But I must admit that it's making me *really* tired in the afternoon and evening. I've been going to bed even earlier than usual lately to compensate.
Greg thinks I've been eating weird things lately. Okay, I'll admit that mixing pickled mushrooms with plain yogurt and hummus was a little weird. But I didn't think that my spaghetti sauce, brown rice, and cheddar quesedea was all that strange.
A couple weeks back, during all the hot weather, I got a really bad leg cramp in the middle of the night that was worse than usual. When the pain wasn't completely gone the next day I figured I should probably call the consulting nurse in case it was a blood clot (more common durning pregnancy) and not just a cramp. They had me come in when I told them I was still having trouble putting weight on it but after examining me decided that yup, it was a cramp, charged me a $10 copay and told me to drink more water and make sure I got plenty of calcium and potassium. Apparenly I still didn't get the message well enough because the day after the shower (again, a very hot day) I woke up with a crampy uterus. Again, I called the consulting nurse (concerned it could be the beginning of contractions). They told me to drink a liter of water and call back in an hour. An hour later the cramps were gone and they told me I didn't need to come in. Thank goodness! But after that I learned that dehydration *can* actually bring on contractions... I've been quite a bit more careful since then and I have yet to wake up in the middle of the night with cramps since then.
What's going on with me mentally...
I'm getting really excited for Jasmine to be born. Not that I'm feeling fed up with being pregnant (well, maybe a little on really hot days or when I have to wake up in the middle of the night just to turn over). For the most part I've had a *really* easy pregnancy. The stuff I'm whining about above is more amusing than irritating. Even the insomnia isn't that big a deal because even though I get it more frequently now, it's not nearly as severe as the insomnia I would get before I was pregnant.
But every time I think about holding my daughter, or see someone with their kids, I just get... I don't know how to describe it. She's not even born yet and I'm already in love with her.
weekly update