Oh Look, It's Pesach!

Apr 02, 2012 09:44

Time for the yearly Pesach Filk.

Not our best work, but the kids really like this song. Sooo...

Based off of Yalili:

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So you're having a bad seder eh?
I just don't see the point. So we're free now, now what?
You know, you shouldn't forget about the Ya'avduni
What did you say?

Yaya ya'avduni, yaya ya'avduni Oy vey
Yaya ya'avduni, Yaya ya'avduni, Yaya ya'avduni
Shlach Shalch Shlach et Ami!

Hotzeti Hitzalti sheitihay x3, Ga'alti, lakachti, sheteihay...

Whacking you with onions, oh Sephardi
No kitniot here, Ashkenazi!
Matza on the Seder plate, oh Sephardi
Four cups of bracha, Ashkenazi
Bibhilu Yatzanu, Oh Sephardi
Mimitzraim Bene Chorim, Still Sephardi!
Oy vey Gebrochts, that's Chassidic
Mo'aspra Mo'adabra, Ashkenazi!

Yaya ya'avduni...

Shabbat Shalom, Oh Sephardi
Ah gut Shabbes, Ashkenazi
Moadim Lesimcha Oh Sephardi
Ah Gut Yontif Ashkenazi
Chag Sameyach, Oh Israeli
Sameyach V'Kasher, Oh Yeshivish!

Birshutchem, Oh Sephardi
Rabbosai Mir Velen, Ashkenazi!

Yaya ya'avduni...

pesach, filk

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