Library help needed. I have been asked to re catalogue the older children's fiction so that rather than having it in alphabetical older it is sub - categorised into genre. Would anyone be able to go through this with me over a drink/or over LJ with a drink in return when I see you? I need to know the reference for horror/sci fi/classics/romance/
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One thing I'd recommend would be looking into the council library for the borough that the school is in. I know Tower Hamlets offer services to school libraries,
And where you are might have something similar.
It might be an idea to pop into the local library and see how they have their teen fiction arranged, what categories they use and copy that. If you just have to do genres then really it doesn't have to be complicated like a dewey system or anything but you can use colour coding for different areas, and then still have the books alphabetically by author within that area.
This is a link to the books and readings section for teens where I work now
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