Progress! Eureka! (Health Post)

Dec 06, 2007 08:12

So I have been on my CPAP machine for 3 nights now. The first night I got maybe 4 hours or so of sleep. The second night I got about 5 hours before I took it off to go to the restroom, and was so tired I didn't put it back on when I went back to bed. Last night, I was able to keep it on the entire night.

I had no idea exactly how tired I was until last night. Truely. It is both the simple and grandeous things. The simple things like, my body was so tired, I wasn't yawning. The more grandeous is obvious - my mind feels clearer.

Last night I got up twice to go to the restroom but kept the mask on the rest of the night. This morning, save for a few yawns, my mind is clearer and I am in a better mood then I have been since before I started getting sick with cancer.

Another discovery is very important - I am severely allergic to something in my bedroom. (I think dust, since it is one of the allergens, and it was the one area I did not get a chance to spring clean yet) On the night I had the mask on half the night and half off, when the mask was on, I could breathe through my nose, and had no congestion. I woke up barely able to breathe and feeling like a blanket covered my head. My sinuses had so much pressure, it was rediculous.

I am hesitantly optomistic to say that between the CPAP machine to treat the sleep apnea and the allergy shots and precautions I can take in diet and environment for my allergies, I don't believe I will have many, if not any, more migraines. Cautiously optomistic, but time will tell.

Incidently, if I have not been around for a little while, please be patient. Undergoing life treatment for health to finally be well!

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