Interesting, but Stressful Times

Nov 20, 2007 16:26

Robert is at a second interview right now for an overnight stocker position. I am fairly confident he will get it, for several reasons I will not go in here. But basically, if he does, he will start his two jobs as of Friday.

Our car is on the blink again. We thought it was the transmission, but apparently, it is something with some 'teeth' (whatever that means) surrounding the timing belt which keeps it from changing gears.

We could not drive on it as of Sunday without fear of operating the vehicle. So, unfortunately, Robert has been off work since Sunday. Monday, we took it to a regular mechanic shop, who spent all day to tell us they can't fix it and that we needed to take it to a transmission shop. The transmission shop spent all day testing it today to tell us the diagnosis as of 3:30ish today. They will begin work on it tomorrow, while I am at work (I work Wed this week only). They will not tell us an estimate of the cost to fix it at this time, but with the amount of time without the car, we have no choice but to continue to go through them, lest we have to start all over again for time without the car. Neither Robert nor my current main jobs will allow for that. Robert can't afford more time off, and if he gets this second job, it will start Friday.

We have had to cancel my doctor's appts this week (which I made since I was off work) due to lack of car.

Additionally, our apt place has been taken over by new management, and they are strict mother fuckers.

Now for the positives.

Robert working a second job will mean we will be able to bounce back fairly quickly financially. A lot of people don't understand why two professionals like us are not making it on our salaries. There are a lot of reasons we can't seem to get a foot up and keep it up, but I won't go into it here. What I will say is that the second job will give us what we need to fix the problems at our door.

Robert's boss is trying to sell a vehicle for 2K. Robert's boss is smart and practical, so we are figuring that after the first of the year, we will try and put some of the newly earned funds towards the second car for Robert to get around. That alleviates a lot of time management and scheduling stress, and, honestly, placates his boss a bit. Right now, we need a second vehicle, and we just simply cannot afford another car payment, so buying it outright is the best option for us.

The kids and I have been cleaning the house very hard core, in efforts to get rid of dust and mold, and make the house comfortable. Turns out, I am allergic to a lot of things, and severaly allergic to a good number of them as well. Here in this area, molds, dust, and spring trees rank top. The kids have been pitching in hard core, and we are already seeing (and feeling) a difference. They have promised to help me keep the house free of dust and molds as much as possible so that we can live happy, healthy, and clean.

My CPAP machine is free to me, in full. Means as soon as I can get into the appt to fit me for my mask (which is one of the appts I missed due to the car), I will actually sleep at nights. This will assist and affect mood and health alike, and I am really looking forward to it.

I am still losing weight through exercise. I am very happy with the effects of yoga at work and the nautilis machine we have at home. Slowly but surely. My goal is 175 pounds and 36 inch waist. For my height and age, having had 3 kids, I will be content with this.

Lastly, the kids are doing really well in school. I am so very proud of them for all that they do, and for what they are becomming. I am still finding parental struggles at various stages, which can come on without any sort of warning. But, overall, I know my kids are good kids. They really need to fine tune a couple of things, but that is as much up to me as it is to them.

That's it for an update right now.

On pins and needles waiting for Robert to get back from his second job interview (this is a second one :P ) to make sure he got it.
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