And we haveeee,

Feb 07, 2010 14:28

Thank you for the awesome response, everyone! It really touched our hearts to see such great applications, not to mention brain-wrecking. (Trust me, we couldn't choose at all.)

But decisions have to be made, sadly. Hope you guys aren't too down if you weren't picked! <3 WE STILL LOVE YOU. REALLY. Thank you so much! Words can't express our gratitude kay ask;ldjflaksd /keysmash.

Sooooo stomatopod is happy to welcome TWO iconmakers:

suikyo and ellen_grieves !
This is why we said we couldn't choose ; A ;

Congratulations to these two! Hopefully we'll be a happy family of four forever. >8Db
Mamapikatic has already made tags for each of us! So fear not about any confusion lol.

IJOU. Thanks for the support again, minna-samaaaaa ~ /loves.

*mod post, *applications

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