Jul 03, 2009 09:32
My cousin contacted me and...there is a slight possibility...that we might go to the American Idol Summer Tour concert nearest to my town.
I feel like such a poser, though. I mean, I didn't even watch the show. I caught a few episodes online for the first time after the whole thing was done just because I've become a fan of Adam and Kris. Am I worthy enough to go see them in concert when bigger fans cannot go...? WELL, I'M GOING (maybe)! But I admit to having...reservations about certain things. First of all, this would be the first "big" concert I've ever been to, I think (the only other one I've gone to was the one with The Pillows at ACen in 2005). I'm kind of concerned about the level of...crazed fanness there will be. Granted, that's part of the fun but I worry about my eardrums, I suppose, and about people constantly pushing into you or something. I don't even know what goes ON in these things. Will people stay in their seats...? Are they gonna get all up in my personal space? Will there be refreshments available in the lobby?
Suddenly, I feel like such a grandma.
But still, the prospect of going all "I SAW ADAM AND KRIS AND THOSE OTHER PEOPLE THROUGH MY BINOCULARS!" is kind of great. And Adam is doing a David Bowie medley. I want to hear that a lot (but here I am a poser as well because the only David Bowie songs I even know are the ones from Labyrinth and that "Changes" song that I actually only heard on Shrek 2). But...oh, no. What if a fan asks me QUESTIONS? Like...about episodes!? And my poserness SHOWS? What if they expect me to know everybody's birthday...!? Do I have to brush up on my American Idol trivia? No, no... Let's not even worry about that yet. It's not even a sure thing.
I hope they have nachos, though. But what if someone bumps them out of my hand...? Do we have to wear special shirts...? What is the dress code for a concert like this? Is it going to be hot or cold? I could bring a jacket but...what if it's hot and they all roll their eyes at me like "lol did u c that girl with her jacket lololol"? Will they sell those little light thingies they sell at Disney On Ice shows?
This also reminds me that I want to go to Cirque du Soleil again someday. Everytime I go to one of those weird, artsy type deals I get this urge to run away to New York or somewhere and try to become one. Maybe I watched too many movies.
famous people,